app UI walkthrough

web walkthrough and UI motion

Working with the team at Herman-Scheer, I developed a unique motion system that works to elevate the brand and highlight different elements that can be used across deliverables.

Taking inspiration from the smile vector brandmark, this became the main defining element of this direction. The simplest idea of a line creates a whole system of motion that is unique and interactive to each individual. I consistently refer to the line to tell a story and be used as a tool to connect all of the elements of this direction.

The gradient is one of the most important tools in the motion identity that can be easily adjusted and manipulated to convey emotion and transform the user experience.

wordmark to brandmark animation

custom gradient animation

app load-in animation


Brand Motion Guide


Client Happier

Agency Herman-Scheer

Motion Mandie Stanton

CD John Scheer

Designer Meria Ogawa

Copywriter Allen Park